[from a message preached at the worship of our local Ministerial Association on March 15, 2024]
My daughter–our first born–was just a few months old when I discovered that parenthood is a competitive sport, or at least it was being treated that way by a whole lot of us.I began to see how we moms quietly pitted ourselves and our kids against each other. Whose baby walked first? Which growth percentile is our child is? 98th percentile—that’s an A+, right? Whose toddler had the biggest vocabulary? Who could read first? On and on and on, and it only exploded with social media.
I got tired of it by the time my kids were in high school. I sat my kids down. I said, “Here’s the thing: I love you, and I’m grateful for your accomplishments, really, but I am dropping out of this Facebook contest with my fellow moms to see whose kid made varsity, whose kid made the honor roll, whose kid did blah blah blah blah blah. I’ll post the big stuff. When you get into college, I’ll be all over it, but, short of that, I’m out.”
Elly gave me an understanding nod, Karl just looked confused, and I breathed a sigh of relief.
I’m not claiming innocence, only exhaustion. I was a part of it too. [Read more…]