Shuffling through papers this morning, I found a little gem. This was my prayer for graduates at our Otero Junior College graduation in 2013:
God of grace, it is our joy to gather this morning to honor these graduates, whom You have gifted with sufficient wisdom, energy, imagination, and dedication to reach this place of achievement. They have taught us at least as much–if not more–than we could ever teach them.
Today, we honor them and celebrate with them; tomorrow they begin a new journey in their lives. Some know exactly where they are going; some are still wondering, “What’s next?” Wherever the road takes them, grant them strength to travel it, forgiveness when they stumble, perseverance to continue when they grow weary, and the joy of knowing that You walk with them at their side, always.
Thank You, God, for this glorious day, for we pray it in the name of our Savior. Amen.