“But by the grace of God I am what I am,” Paul declares, “and his grace toward me has not been in vain.” (1 Co 15:10)
Grace is never in vain. Grace is the undeserved favor of salvation in Jesus Christ, unearned and unworthy. Grace, truly received as the gift it is, fully in our hearts and minds, can’t be ignored. It calls us to live out of gratitude. It calls us to live in gratitude to Jesus, for the gift of life He’s given us.
Because Jesus Christ is risen, the powers of death and sin are defeated. It’ll all be okay, because it really will be okay now. Whatever happens: whatever burns down, whatever messages we get from the school, whatever the diagnosis tells us, whatever, the victory will belong to Jesus in the end and we have nothing to fear, not tomorrow, or the day after, or any time, ever again.