Our dog peed on (really into) my son’s backpack some time over the weekend. We discovered it as we were pulling out of the driveway to head to school.
“Mom,” Karl said. “Smell this.” Never a good sign.
Back into the house we went to unpack and sanitize what we could, transfer the contents of his bag, and throw the stinky backpack in the washing machine.
Happy Holy Monday.
I am unusually grateful today that the events we remember this week, leading to Jesus’ death and resurrection, are not reliant upon me.
“Jesus said, ‘You now have sorrow, but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice and your joy no one can take from you.’” (John 16:22)
All I have to do is see Jesus. I don’t have to have my act together. The backpack can get peed on, tempers can flare, work can consume, feet can ache, but all I have to do is look at Jesus. Just look.
And my heart will rejoice. And my joy won’t be taken away from me.
William Barclay wrote, “The joy the world gives is at the mercy of the world. The joy which Christ gives is independent of anything the world can do.” (The New Daily Study Bible, The Gospel of John, Volume Two, p. 231)
It gets harder to look at
Jesus as this week continues. Gazing upon the cross is difficult when His body hangs there, but that’s all the more reason to keep looking and keep remembering. Without such sacrifice, our joy would depend on us. Without such sacrifice, the world wins.
Happy Holy Monday, everyone. Keep your eyes on Jesus, and keep your backpacks off the floor.
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