I’m a list maker. I love making lists. I make lists in my daily planner and my journal, on post it notes, used envelopes, scraps of paper, or even the back of my hand on occasion. It’s an organized thing to do. Problem is, I’m unorganized enough that I often lose my list. Still, it doesn’t matter. There’s something about just getting the list written that gives me a sense of satisfaction and control that is unparalleled by anything apart from the next anticipated action—crossing something off. Lists are good.
This morning, I sat down for prayer and scripture reading. It was early; the house was quiet. I read Ephesians 1:3-14 as directed by my reading guide and moved on to prayer, and that’s when I stopped. I stopped when I realized that how I was praying and what Paul was writing were very different. Very different indeed.
You see, I’d begun praying a to do list–a to do list for God. “Help this person, heal that person, bring peace for this church, lend strength to that leader…” [Read more…]