We have two major party candidates for President of the United States: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.
Donald Trump’s name is easy enough to pronounce. I’ve been watching Donald Duck cartoons since I was a kid, and who hasn’t wanted to play the trump card?
But Kamala Harris? Well, her name is a little tougher. Fair enough if we stumble, but too often I’m hearing people (a) not even try or (b) mispronounce her name intentionally in ways that are unintentionally racist. Friends, “I just call her ‘Caramel’ since she’s brown” is not okay.
Making a joke of someone’s racial and ethnic background or skin color is not okay in the community, and it’s really not okay in the body of Christ where we know ourselves–all of ourselves–made precious in the image of God.
Besides, names matter. Names mean something.
All throughout our scriptures, God gets particular about names.
Abram became Abraham, meaning “father of many” (Genesis 17:5). Pharaoh’s daughter gave Moses his name, meaning “draw out,” after drawing him out of the water (Exodus 2:10). Poor Naomi, whose name means “pleasant,” changes her name to “Mara,” meaning “bitter” (Ruth 1:20).
Jesus, name above all names, means “God saves” (Luke 1:31).
Behind every name is a story, and every story is of people who love and care about the child they are naming. I don’t know Kamala Harris’ mom, but I suspect she and her husband chose the name with all the excitement and joy of all expectant parents.
So, I get it. Names are hard to remember sometimes and even harder to pronounce and spell. I’m a pastor, and I struggle all the time with names. Do you know how many ways there are to spell Hailey, Hayley, Haylee, Hayleigh…you get the idea?
And I get that there are really valid reasons not to vote for Ms. Harris, but there’s no excuse for mockery. As an American, I want to respect the Office of the Presidency. As a citizen of the Kingdom, I want to respect the image of God in her.
Here’s the easiest way I’ve found to remember how to pronounce Ms. Harris’ first name:
“Comma-la.” It’s the punctuation mark, plus a la. Or, as Fraulein Maria would say, the punctuation mark plus “a note to follow so.”
Kamala. Comma-la. It’s her name, and it’s not that hard. For the sake of God-Saves, we can try.